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Mok Samen

Mok Samen

Samen has been a Teacher of Transcendental Meditation since 2008 and taught over 400 people including CEO's, business leaders, teachers and students. Samen is from Prey Veng, is a graduate of Maharishi Vedic University Cambodia and a qualified high school teacher. He helps manage a large David Lynch Foundation project which brings TM to hundreds of under privileged children at orphanages throughout Cambodia. He lives in Phnom Penh with his wife and children.

Phon Pheuy

Pheuy has worked as a Management trainer at VBNK and in a micro finance company. She is a graduate of Maharishi Vedic University Cambodia and has been a Teacher of Transcendental Meditation since 1994. She has taught TM to hundreds of people including business leaders, teachers, students, working professionals and in orphanages. Pheuy is from Battambang province and lives in Phnom Penh with her husband and children.

Phon Pheuy

Cambodia TM Centre

Maharishi Foundation for World Peace
Call 010 980 840
Contact: Mok Samen